If you've had a look at this blog before you will have seen a few pieces on the "secret project" that I've been working on....
Well, I can now proudly reveal that it is the entire DVD extras for Wallace & Gromit's world of invention released earlier in December.
The 6 pieces, running at around 7 mins each have been written, developed, filmed, directed & edited by myself and partner in crime Ricky Martin for the BBC and Aardman animations under the project title "Your world of invention".
The pieces are a fun look at taking ideas from the show and making them at home in an applicable way. Presented by Ricky the pieces are a fun way of getting the family involved in a good old build!
Films in the DVD extras are:
Upside-down-o-scope, Wind-Powered sprinkler, Atmospheric railway, Fin Ray Grabber, Spy camera & Air Rocket.
Here's a montage I put together of some screen shots and some behind the scenes, click the image to see it bigger:

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